PRECIOUS LOSS | Black Families and Infant Mortality

Despite their wealth, their bachelor’s degrees or their age, black families are three times more likely to lose their babies before the child has a first birthday than their white counterparts. Rocky Mountain PBS News investigates – why must so many Colorado families experience this precious loss.

Minnesota | Training on Perinatal Loss in the African American community

  March 14, 2016 from 9-4pm   UROC, 2001 Plymouth Ave North, Minneapolis, MN 55411 This training is for doulas, nurses, case managers, social workers, day care providers, early childhood professionals, and other medical professionals who may support moms and families through infant loss. Registration:      $75 / $100 with CEUs for nursing or social work – Sponsors:           …

Genocide Dystocia in Birth| How Racism Impacts Pregnancy Outcomes|The Birth Environment

Midwife Racha Tahani Lawler The Community Birth Center Micahel C. Lu, MD, MPH Preconception Health and Health Care: A Life-Course Persepctive Issues covered are: “The Challenges Women Face in Pregnancy and Childbirth”, “Fathers at Birth”, “The Birth Environment” and “Does the Way We are Born have Lifelong Effects?”. Michel Odent, MD WombEcology   National Vital Statistics…

Infant Mortality Awareness | Every baby deserves a chance!

What Is the Infant Mortality Rate? The infant mortality rate (IMR) is an estimate of the number of infant deaths for every 1,000 live births. The IMR is often used as an indicator to measure the health and well-being of a nation, because factors affecting the health of entire populations can also affect infant mortality…

Raising Awareness for Black Infant Mortality

On September 1, 2014, the start of National Infant Mortality Month, registered nurse Sherry Payne will trek across the state of Missouri- a total of 200 miles in 10 days. She will stop in cities and towns along the way, to bring the message of Black Infant Mortality Awareness to healthcare providers, educators, and legislators. …

Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Resources

Look to the side bar for more resources Culturally Competent Services resource brief Health Literacy resource brief Infant Mortality and Pregnancy Loss knowledge path Life Course and Social Determinants resource brief Maternal Distress in the Perinatal Period and Child Outcomes knowledge path Minority Health organizations list Non-English Materials and Resources index, organizations list Racial and Ethnic…

Black infant mortality organizations and individuals working to stem the tide

Black infant mortality  organizations and individuals working to stem the tide   Photo by Roz Kumari  Racha Tahani Lawler, licensed midwife, is holding a feto-scope, a device that allows her to listen to a baby (heartbeat, umbilical cord, placenta) while in its mother’s womb.  The index and middle finger are used for examining women pre-labor and during…


How can you get involved? Click on the links below that will take you to resources to help raise infant mortality awareness. There’s a toolkit that you can download to  organize fundraising events and advocacy activities in your communities and a fact card on infant mortality that you can print and distribute. You’ll also find…